2.15 Analysis of Algorithms MPRI
Lecturer: Lucas Gerin

2.15 Analysis of Algorithms

4th Part: Probabilistic approach (Lectures 14 to 17)

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Table of contents


[Bre17] P.Brémaud. Discrete Probability Models and Methods. Springer (2017).

[Doe18] B.Doerr. Probabilistic Tools for the Analysis of Randomized Optimization Heuristics (2018).

[FS09] P.Flajolet, R.Sedgewick. Analytic Combinatorics. Cambridge University Press (2009).

[MU95] M.Mitzenmacher, E.Upfal. Probability and computing: randomized algorithms and probabilistic analysis . Cambridge University Press (1995).

Lecture 14: Probabilistic Toolbox

14.1. Events and random variables

Application. Randomized algorithm for checking a polynomial identity. Ref: [MU95] p.1.

14.2. Conditioning

Application. Analysis of QuickSelect. Ref: Adapted from the blog 11011110.

14.3. Inequalities and deviations

Application. An (optimal) Randomized algorithm for the mean. Ref: [MU95] p.59.

Lecture 15: The Probabilistic Method

15.1. The 1st moment method

15.2. The 2d moment

Lecture 16: Balls in bins

16.1. Collisions and the birthday paradox

16.2. The coupon collector

16.3. Maximal load

Lecture 17: Data streams algorithms

17.1. Prehistory: Morris' counting algorithm

17.2. Cardinality estimation: HitCounting and MinCount

17.3. CVM's algorithm