## loading python libraries
# necessary to display plots inline:
%matplotlib inline
# load the libraries
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 2D plotting library
import numpy as np # package for scientific computing
from math import * # package for mathematics (pi, arctan, sqrt, factorial ...)
Part I and II: Graham, Ronald L.; Knuth, Donald E.; Patashnik, Oren. Concrete Mathematics - A foundation for computer science (2nd ed.). Addison-Wesley (1994).
Part III: P.Flajolet, R.Sedgewick. Analytic Combinatorics. Cambridge University Press (2009).
The general problem we will study is as follows. Let $(a_n)$ be a sequence of positive numbers defined by recurrence (which may arise from a problem in graph theory, arithmetic, probability, etc.), and we seek to obtain quantitative information about the sequence $(a_n)$:
A very powerful tool for addressing these questions is the use of generating functions.
This function is always well defined. Indeed, since $a_n$'s and $x$ are non-negative the sequence $\left(\sum_{n=0}^N a_n x^n\right)_N$ is non-decreasing. Thus the limit $\sum_{n\geq 0}a_n x^n=\lim_{N\to+\infty} \sum_{n=0}^N a_n x^n$ always exists (but can be equal to $+\infty$).
Then $$ A(x)=\sum_{n\geq 0}a_n x^n=\sum_{n\geq 0}1\times x^n = \sum_{n\geq 0} x^n = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{1-x}&\text{ if }0\leq x<1,\\ +\infty&\text{ if }x\geq 1. \end{cases} $$
Then $$ B(x)=\sum_{n\geq 0}b_n x^n=\sum_{n\geq 0}r^n x^n = \sum_{n\geq 0} (rx)^n = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{1-rx}&\text{ if }0\leq x<1/r,\\ +\infty&\text{ if }x\geq 1/r. \end{cases} $$
Since all functions $x\mapsto a_nx^n$ are non-decreasing then $A$ is itself non-decreasing. Hence the following definition makes sense:
The radius of convergence of $A$ is $\rho=1$.
The radius of convergence of $B$ is $\rho=1/r$.
Since $A$ is a sum of non-decreasing convex functions, then so is $A$. (Basically, a function is convex if it has its curve opening upward "like a cup".) Therefore the typical picture to have in mind is the following (depending on wether $\rho$ is finite or not):
We admit the following properties:
The second property turns out to be useful for our third example:
Then $$ C(x)=\sum_{n\geq 0} n x^n. $$ In order to compute $C(x)$ we first observe that $C(x)\geq \sum_{n\geq 1}x^n$, so in particular $C(x)=+\infty$ as soon as $x\geq 1$.
It remains to compute $C(x)$ for $0< x <1$. By Property 2) above applied to $A(x)=\sum x^n$, for $0< x<1$ $$ A'(x)=\sum_{n\geq 0} nx^{n-1}=\frac{1}{x}\sum_{n\geq 0} nx^n=\frac{1}{x}C(x). $$ Hence $$ C(x)= \begin{cases} xA'(x)=\frac{x}{(1-x)^2}&\text{ if }0\leq x<1,\\ +\infty &\text{ if }1\leq x. \end{cases} $$
The sequence $(a_n)_{n\geq 0}$ is defined by $$ \begin{align*} a_0&=2,\\ a_1&=5,\\ a_n&=5a_{n-1}-6a_{n-2}\qquad \text{for every }n\geq 2.\qquad (\star) \end{align*} $$ Set $A(x)=\sum_n a_nx^n$. We want to use GF's to find an explicit formula for $a_n$. The strategy goes as follows:
Step 1. First fix $n\geq 2$ and $x>0$. Multiply equation $(\star)$ by $x^n$:
and now sum over $n\geq 2$:
\sum_{n\geq 2}a_nx^n=\sum_{n\geq 2}5a_{n-1}x^n-\sum_{n\geq 2}6a_{n-2}x^{n}.
The left-hand side is almost what we want, except that the two first terms are missing. To handle the right-hand side we make the changes of variables $m=n-1$ and $p=n-2$. We are left with:
A(x)-a_0-a_1x &=5\sum_{m\geq 1}a_{m}x^{m+1}-6\sum_{p\geq 0}a_{p}x^{p+2}\\
&=5x\sum_{m\geq 1}a_{m}x^{m}-6x^2\sum_{p\geq 0}a_{p}x^{p}\\
A(x)-2-5x &=5x (A(x)-2)+6x^2 A(x).
We solve the above equation (we see $A(x)$ as the unknown and $x$ as a parameter) and find
Step 2. We modify the above expression a bit: observe that
To check this:
First recall Example 2: for geometric sequence $(b_n)=(1,r,r^2,\dots ,r^n,\dots)$, we have $$ B(x)=\sum_{n\geq 0}b_n x^n= \begin{cases} \frac{1}{1-rx}&\text{ if }0\leq x<1/r,\\ +\infty&\text{ if }x\geq 1/r. \end{cases} $$ In particular the radius of convergence is $1/r$. We will see below a result which shows that, more generally, the radius of convergence is related to the growth order of the sequence. The rough interpretation is that $$ A\text{ has radius }\rho \qquad \Leftrightarrow \qquad (a_n) \text{ grows like }(1/\rho)^n. $$ A more rigorous (and true!) statement is the following:
(For more details on the exponential growth formula, see Sec.IV.3.2 (p.243-244) of P.Flajolet, R.Sedgewick. Analytic Combinatorics. Cambridge University Press (2009).)
Proof of the upper bound of Theorem 1.
Fix $\varepsilon >0$ and set
\delta=\frac{\varepsilon}{1+\varepsilon\rho}\rho^2 >0.
Since $\rho-\delta<\rho$, the definition of the radius of convergence tells us that
$A(\rho-\delta)<+\infty$. Hence
A(\rho-\delta)=\sum_{n\geq 0}a_n(\rho-\delta)^n<+\infty.
Recall now that if a series is finite, then the summand goes to $0$. Here we then have that
a_n(\rho-\delta)^n \to 0.
In particular we have $\left(a_n(\rho-\delta)^n\right)\leq 1$ for large enough $n$:
a_n&\leq \left(\frac{1}{\rho-\delta}\right)^n \\
&= \left(\frac{1}{\rho-\frac{\varepsilon}{1+\varepsilon\rho}\rho^2}\right)^n\\
&= \left(\frac{1+\varepsilon\rho}{(1+\varepsilon\rho)\rho-\varepsilon \rho^2}\right)^n\\
&= \left(\frac{1}{\rho}\left(1+\varepsilon\rho\right)\right)^n=\left(\frac{1}{\rho}+\varepsilon\right)^n.
End of proof.
Proof of the lower bound of Theorem 1.
Assume for contradiction that, for all large enough $n$ (say larger than $N$),
A\left(\rho+\varepsilon \rho^2\right)
&=\sum_{n\geq 0} a_n \left(\rho+\varepsilon \rho^2\right)^n\\
&\leq \sum_{n= 0}^{N-1} a_n \left(\rho+\varepsilon \rho^2\right)^n
+\sum_{n\geq N} a_n \left(\rho+\varepsilon \rho^2\right)^n\\
&\leq \text{a finite sum}
+\sum_{n\geq N} \left(\frac{1}{\rho}-\varepsilon\right)^n \left(\rho+\varepsilon \rho^2\right)^n\\
&= \text{a finite sum}
+\sum_{n\geq N} \left(1-\varepsilon^2\rho^2\right)^n \\
&= \text{a finite sum} + \text{a finite geometric series}\\
Finally we have that $A\left(\rho+\varepsilon \rho^2\right)<+\infty$. This contradicts the fact that $\rho$ is the radius of convergence.
End of proof.